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We are all leaves on one tree
Those who don't believe in showing compassion and respect to all sentient beings undoubtedly won't understand this message; perhaps they will not want to. The rest of us already intentionally work to embody this belief every day. The power and purpose of these words are not just hopeful messages of peace and love, not just wishes and dreams, but as a public declaration that I will always put the strength of my beliefs into action. I will never use words which hold no meaning as a shield to hide behind, showing the outside world one version of myself while cowering behind the real me deep inside. In 2019, the Center published our Manifesto, a public declaration of our belief that each person should be "empowered to choose and live a healthier and happier life ... to not just survive, but thrive." That message is just as powerful and as fundamental today as the day it was first posted. Perhaps even more so. I believe that people are like countless leaves on a tree. Each leaf an individual, but all are connected to one trunk, one set of roots, one Source. Each leaf, each person is worthy simply by being and should be treated with respect and honor. The Center's monthly Free Reiki Clinic and the wellness services of our nonprofit Stone Soup Project, both offered at no cost, are testaments to that essential belief. My pledge to each of you, to my community and to myself is to always live by this promise. I commit to embody my beliefs in all aspects of my life and career, and to ensure that every practitioner at The Reiki Center is equally enfranchised in this belief. The Center’s mantra is “We Listen. We Connect. We Empower.” And that means everyone. Linda Haley Executive Director |
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Open every day by appointment 10 am - 9 pm Office/Gift Shop Hours: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday and Saturday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Book a Class Online Book a Service Online |
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